• Education for Ministry Graduates
  • Preparing for Easter
  • St. Alban's Episcopal Church
  • Work day at the Church
  • Procession to Bless the Mosaic
  • Stations of the Cross
  • Christmas Pageant
  • Ashes to Go
  • Pastels on the Plaza
  • Easter Vigil
  • Ordination of Deacon Cindy Woods
  • Lighting the Easter flame
  • St. Alban's at Pride
  • Caring for God's Creation - Solar Panels on the Church
  • "Max the Vax" Celebration
  • New Beginnings BBQ


Grace and peace to you in our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am delighted to welcome you to our website. You will find here a window into the life and ministries of Saint Alban's. We are a community committed to Jesus Christ and carrying out His mission. For members of the parish I hope that you will find information and resources to support you in your daily life and ministry. For those new to Saint Alban's, this is an invitation to connect and join us as a community that bears Christ's name. In other words, I hope you will make the leap of faith from a virtual visit to an actual in-the-flesh visit. Come and see!

Many blessings,

The Rev. Sara L. Potter, Rector


  • Who Are We?

    St. Alban's is a community of disciples growing
    into the full maturity of Christ

    Our mission is to be a community worshipping in the Episcopal tradition; devoted to God through prayer, study and action; faithful in caring for creation, welcoming the stranger; and serving the needs of our parish and beyond.

    As a Welcoming Church, we fully welcome transgender, gay, lesbian, and bisexual people, including their participation in all areas and at all levels in the life of the congregation.

  • Vegan Potluck - March 30

    You are invited to join Creation Care in preparing a dish to share at St. Alban’s Vegan Potluck on March 30th, following the 10:30 a.m. service. The 8:00 a.m. service will also include a vegan coffee hour!

    Veganism is dairy and meat-free, and honey-free too. A vegan potluck adds a new variety to our food choices and encourages us to include more plant-based foods when possible. Less saturated fats have health benefits, such as reducing cardiovascular disease, blood cholesterol, and diabetes. The Rev. Perry Polk, during his recent presentation on Dementia, reminded us that a plant-based diet is one of the most important things in our control to mitigate dementia!

    Adding delicious vegan food to our diets benefits us and the planet. Vegetables, fruits, beans, lentils, and grains create endless recipes and fill many cookbooks. Did someone say pita bread and hummus, Mediterranean lentil salad, or couscous and chickpea stuffed bell peppers? There are so many possibilities! 

  • Camp Living Waters Registration

    Registration for Camp Living Waters is now open.  Youth ages 9 -15 may register as campers and youth ages 16 -17 are eligible to serve as counselors.  Camp is located at the beautiful Cookson Ranch, an hour's drive from Arcata.  This year's dates are Sunday, July 20 - Friday, July 25. The deadline to register is July 1. You will find liability forms, registration, and payment information at this link: https://www.camplivingwatershumboldt.org/registration. See you there!

  • Camp Kitchen Director Needed!

    We are looking for you to lead a team to prepare meals for seven days in a remote professional kitchen with daily meals for approximately 50 folks. You will be working with volunteers in a children’s camp in the remote mountains east of Arcata (one hour driving in). Professional gas stove, convection ovens, full walk-in cooler and dish washing setup – no aircon. Accommodation is tent camping (bring yours) with bathroom/shower building with hot water and flush toilets. Hookups available for an RV trailer. Limited wifi available.

    We are seeking someone with intention to stay with us for at least a few years. For the first year, you will have an experienced past Kitchen Director to assist you with planning menus, purchasing, and logistics (transport of food, etc.). Expect 12-hour days, great company and no alcohol/smoking/drugs.

    Camp Living Waters takes place deep in the Redwood Valley off 299, at a beautiful rural event site surrounded by trees and wildlife, with easy access to Redwood Creek and its plentiful swimming holes. The views of the stars are incredible, and at night you hear the insects and the foxes.

    Required: kitchen experience, good attitude, cleanliness

    July 19-26 (July 19 setup, July 20-25 campers, July 26 clean-up)

    References will be verified, a background check is required prior to arriving at the site. We will pay for ServSafe training, which is also mandatory prior to arriving at the site.

    Pay – $1500 stipend.

    Resume and any questions to CLWHumboldt@gmail.com

  • Sunday Worship

    Sunday worship services are held at 8:00 and 10:30 am. in person at the church. For the Season of Epiphany, we use the Holy Eucharist: Rite II setting for both services.  The 10:30 service includes singing and music, and childcare is available for children age 5 and under. 

    The Sunday Bulletin is available at the church and can also be downloaded in advance here. We livestream our 10:30 service on the first and third Sundays and special services on the St. Albans Arcata YouTube channel (link opens in a new window). If you are interested in helping with this important ministry, please contact the church office by email or phone!

  • Morning Prayer

    Morning Prayer is a service of the Daily Office, and one of the anchors of our Episcopal/Anglican tradition.  Friday Morning Prayer meets at 8:30 am at the church in-person, with candles, vestments, and chanting – and then coffee in the kitchen, all together!  All are welcome! 

  • Compline

    Please join us Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings at 8 p.m. for Compline via Zoom. In this short service (15 minutes) from the Prayer Book, we offer thanks for the day that is past and ask God for restful sleep.  Contact Deacon Cindy by email at cmwoods1730@gmail.com if you wish to join us.