Rector: The Reverend Sara Potter
There are several different ministries that work closely together as a part of our worship services. Members of the congregation may serve in several different ministries, and each person who participates shares their skills and talents as an act of prayer and devotion to God.
Acolytes assist the Presider and other worship leaders throughout our worship services. Acolytes serve as crucifer (cross bearer), thurifer (incense bearer) and at the altar during Holy Communion. Acolytes undertake their responsibilities with dignity, joy and care. As one acolyte notes, "If you are doing your job well you won't be noticed." Both youth and adults serve as acolytes.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild cares for the objects used in worship, handling them carefully and respectfully, because these objects have been dedicated in prayer for use in worship for the glory of God. The Altar Guild also cares for the sanctuary of the church. The work of the Altar Guild is to ensure that our sanctuary reflects the holiness and the joy that we all create together in our worship. Joining the Altar Guild means learning many fascinating aspects of Church tradition, including the esoteric names for all the various vessels, vestments, linens and paraments we use in worship. Most importantly, serving on the Altar Guild is a spiritual exercise. Caring for the Altar is a way to act out our relationship with God. It is quiet, prayerful work. Anyone, men or women, young or old, may have a vocation for Altar Guild service.
Eucharistic Ministers (a.k.a. Chalice Bearers)
Eucharistic Ministers (Chalice Bearers) are worship assistants during the celebration of Holy Communion. They serve the cup of wine (chalice) to those who come to share in the bread and wine of Communion.
The readers, as their name implies, read lessons from the Old and New Testament during worship.
Ushers are a vital part of our ministry of hospitality. Ushers greet and welcome all those who come to worship. They assist visitors with questions and any special needs that may arise during worship. Both youth and adults currently serve as ushers.
Video Vergers
On the first and third Sunday of each month and other special occasions the 10:30 a.m. worship service is livestreamed to our You Tube channel. Past lives streams can be found at: .
Daily Office (Morning Prayer & Compline)
In addition to services on Sunday, Friday morning St. Alban's offers Morning Prayer using the Daily Office service from the Book of Common Prayer. For the current schedule, please see the calendar and announcements. The brief evening service of Compline is offered every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 p.m. on Zoom. Contact Deacon Cindy Woods at for the Zoom link